Trademark law

Trademarks are central to the economic success of a company and offer a decisive competitive edge. Among other things, trademark law regulates the branding of products, services, companies and intellectual works.

We work closely with our clients both in establishing new trademarks and in protecting existing ones.

Developing new trademarks

Every trademark must first of all be developed and then acquired through application and registration in the national and European trademark register. We can provide you with the following services:

  • Trademark research
  • Clarification of the protectability of trademarks and other identifiers
  • Registration and enforcement of trademarks

Protection of existing trademarks

Protecting a trademark against misuse by competitors is an elementary interest of the trademark owner. We support you through:

  • Defence of trademark rights
  • Prevention of trademark abuse, in particular on the internet (e.g. domain names)
  • Judicial and extra-judicial representation in disputes resulting from trademark infringement

We at Kanzlei Kötz Fusbahn are familiar with all the regulations relating to industrial property rights. In special isolated cases, we also work with a noted patent and trademark attorney.


Copyright and media law

The provisions laid out in the Copyright Law protect the intellectual property of creators of text, music, pictures and cinematographic works. Our clients include artists and photographers as well as agencies and companies.

Competition law

In particular the German Act on Unfair Competition (UWG) regulates the fair co-existence of market participants as they compete for customers and protects against unfair practices by the competition.